Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Grateful Hearts

Kids Camp in Republic of Moldova

This year God provided once again all the resources needed for SUMMER CAMPS

Although, the number of people leaving Moldova increases daily, due to poverty, God blessed us with over 150 kids to share the Gospel with. 90% of these kids are unchurched. 

A great percentage of adults who start attending church, is a result of these little ones.

We fed the little ones breakfast, and lunch, and sent them home with a snack

Naty did the main teaching on the Armour of God

Children were fed breakfast, lunch and were sent home with a snack. The parents of a lot of these kids have gone abroad to make money. So, many of them lack parental love and care.

This year we were not able to use the communist campground to hold our YOUNG ADULT CAMP. So, we pitched our tents in the forest. We had around 100 young people. 75% unbelievers.

Bill did the main teaching that week. A lot of Naty's cousins from the USA came to assist with worship and more.

In spite of the dance between heat and rain, God worked in a surreal way.

Image may contain: 9 people, including Tinca Sarandi, people smiling, people standing, tree and outdoor
40 young adults came to Christ. Some wanted to be on the spot. So, with a little creativity and some refreshingly-cold water 6 of them were baptised.

We've never had this before in all 20 years of camping ministry.

ESL kids doing craft

Every Wednesday Naty works with 10 kids teaching them English. These amazing children from the  ESL Club are invited to participate in various church activities.

So, some joined us for the Vacation Bible School we had at our church.

Vacation Bible School

The VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL was lead by a team from Canada came and worked with our children. The theme was 'You've been slimed' by sin and Jesus is the answer.

Our church organized a WOMEN'S NIGHT OUT at a Romanian restaurant. We had great conversations to reconnect.

As you notice, no kids allowed.

Mina and Bella are so excited to see baby Heidi. They think she's a toy.

We have A NEW NIECE, here in Romania. Naty has two brothers. Vali lives in the States and has 3 little girls. And Pavel lives in Bucharest, and he had his first baby this summer. Meet baby Heidi. Our girls think she's a toy.

Misha and Angelica have been our friends and co-workers in the ministry from day one. This summer we celebrated with them their daughter's WEDDING.

We started the beginning of the school year with a welcome back activity, a CHURCH PICNIC.
We do events like this every year to give new-comers a chance to get to know you in a more casual setting. We had eggs, pancakes and other treats.

Bill shared briefly a WELCOME and a word of encouragement as we got together.

GLOBAL OUTREACH, our awesome Mission Agency came and visited with us again this year. This is one way they show care to their missionaries. It was a joy to be with them.

Naty is also serving on the WOMEN'S MINISTRY for the IBC Convention. They are working on future conferences in Europe for women throughout the International Churches.

This is the Women's Ministry Team for the Convention, representing 6 different nationalities.

Every year ARFO (Romania Without Orphans Alliance) organizes a summit to train, inform, educate, and encourage families, organizations and government entities in regards to orphans in Romania. We were able to participate this year, and connect more with people to help our case.

This is Sarah. She was crucial in our meeting Mina and Bella.

Please continue to PRAY for the judge to release a paper that we've been waiting for the last 15 months, for the adoption to make progress.

And please pray for the girls not to lose hope.

Bill and Naty traveled to the States for a very short trip in August because of a unique situation.

After Bill's heart-attack, he was challenged by a family friend with this question "What would have happened to Naty and the girls had God not saved your life?"

With that in mind, this same loving friend has graciously offered the Tully's a $200,000 challenge for them to match, to raise funds for them to BUILD A HOME in Romania.

While in the States we traveled and met with friends, family and churches to let them know about this opportunity. Families and possibly churches are showing interest in supporting this. We have this challenge available to us for the next 18-24 months. Please help us spread the word!!!

Keep On Keeping On

Precious friends,  First of all, THANK YOU for faithfully pressing alongside us: supporting us financially, checking on us, and praying f...