Monday, April 26, 2010

Women & Children's Ministry Traveling

Over the last few weeks we have been blessed by the women of our church as many of them had the opportunity to travel to Madrid, Spain for the annual International Baptist Conventions Woman' s Conference. There were some challenges as they returned to Bucharest because of the problem's the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano has been causing throughout Europe. Yet, ultimately the Lord worked it out for all to return safely with just a few hours of delay. We praise God for the encouragement that our women received and we praise God for the renewed zeal they returned with concerning the possibilities toward ministry here in Bucharest. Pray that God will continue to bless our women as they continue to reach out to other women in our community.

The women who attended the conference in Madrid

Experience some of the worship from the conference

The After School Program at the church continues to grow. As more families trust us with their children we are seeking ways to make their experience as rewarding as possible. This past week the leadership of the after school took the children to a local petting zoo. The children loved this experience and the parents seemed pleased as well. We trust as we are able to do more things like this that we will be able to continue to develop greater in roads into each family that will open the doors wider for the gospel. Please pray for each of these families from our community. Pray that God will open their eyes to the hope we have found in Christ.

The children from the after school at the petting zoo

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring In Full Motion

A few weeks ago Naty and I had the opportunity to attend the annual International Baptist Convention's pastors conference. This years conference was held in Portugal. While we were there we had the opportunity to get with other pastors and leaders from around the convention and discuss the work that God is doing. One of these conversations directly involved the work of missions in Moldova. The convention is already supporting church planters in Moldova and now some of the pastors from the convention are wanting to periodically travel to Moldova to assist this work. We are grateful for this partnership and we trust the Lord will produce fruit for His glory in the Republic of Moldova.

Bill & Naty at the pastors conference in Portugal

Once we returned to Bucharest work here has moved along rather quickly as there were many things that needed to be done before Easter in our church and all around the city. We have had two great Sundays as we celebrated the Lord's entry into Jerusalem and His resurrection. During these services we have been blessed with many visitors. We had visitors from Belgium, Ghana and even one of the teachers from the public school near us that has chosen to partner with us in community ministry has began to attend worship as well. We are excited and trusting the Lord to continue the work He is doing in our community. Please continue to pray for our relationship with this public school in our community. Pray that God would protect it from outside influences and that God would use it to expose many to the hope they can find in the gospel. Last, please pray that God would work in the hearts of those who have visited who have heard the gospel for the first time over the last few weeks. Pray that He would bring repentance and change to their lives and to our community.

The Children listening to the story of the resurrection

Easter Sunday's Worship Service

A little fun for the children Easter Sunday

We want to thank each of you once again,
the work God has called us too would not be
possible without you, thank you!

Keep On Keeping On

Precious friends,  First of all, THANK YOU for faithfully pressing alongside us: supporting us financially, checking on us, and praying f...