Friday, December 23, 2011

Celebrating God's Goodness

The end of October Naty and I had the privilege to go to Rome to represent the International Church at the International Baptist Conventions Annual Meeting. While we were there we continued our work with the missions committee and we were excited to learn that there will be a new relationship forged between the convention and the Baptist Union of Moldova starting this next year. This was a thrill for us because of our heart for and investment in the Republic of Moldova over the years. For quite some time we have been praying that God would open doors such as this to assist in the work in Moldova. Now once again it appears as though the Lord is opening a very significant door of opportunity to make a profound difference in the lives of those that we have been given the opportunity to serve through the years in Moldova. We ask you to pray along with us that God will bless this unique relationship between the International Baptist Convention and the Baptist Union of Moldova. Pray that it will bear much fruit for the glory of God and his Kingdom.

Naty, her dad (a Moldovan Pastor), and I sharing with the
convention about the new relationship with the Baptist Union of Moldova

Naty and I enjoying a moment of relaxation in Rome

In November I was given a unique opportunity in Moldova. We were invited to come and participate in the baptism of new believers there. This is always an exciting opportunity, but this one was different than before. This time I was asked to not just give the message that night, I was asked as well to actually baptize our new brothers in Christ being baptized that night. It was a very encouraging evening for both Naty and I and we pray that God will now finish the work of grace He has started in each of their lives (Philippians 1:6). Please pray for each one baptized that night, pray that God will raise each of them up and use them for the glory of God in Moldova.

Baptizing one of our new brothers in Christ

On December 10th the International Church once again hosted its annual Christmas Celebration. It was a thrilling night for everyone involved. Over the last months of the year we have seen a significant amount of numerical growth at the church (praise God!). As a result we were excited to see a full house the night of the 10th. Over 30 children participated in our children's Christmas program. In addition, we also enjoyed special Christmas presentations from our brothers and sisters from many different cultures; Romania, Indonesia, Nigeria just to name a few. Many who attended brought guests with them who were introduced to the gospel for the first time as they heard the true story of Christmas. We are prayerful that the seeds that were planted by this evening will bear much fruit in the future.

IBC Christmas Celebration 2011

Naty and I want to take a moment and thank each of you for your friendship and partnership through the years. You have proven to be one of our greatest blessings as we count our blessings this Christmas. We pray that God will make known to you and yours his rich and abiding presence this Christmas. May God bless you all and we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a very fruitful New Year!

Merry Christmas to each of you!

Monday, November 7, 2011

So Many Reasons To Give Thanks

Recently, September 25th, Naty and I celebrated seven years of marriage together. We are so grateful that God brought us together and we celebrate the opportunities He has given us to minister to the peoples of the world through the International Church. We also celebrate the opportunities He has given us to work with those here in Romania and Moldova. If God is willing, we look forward to several more years full of opportunities to serve the Lord in the work He has called us too.

Naty and I enjoying a nice evening together as we celebrated 7 years together

Some of you may recall in our last report how we described a new initiative of the International Church where the church is meeting once monthly for a time of fellowship, worship and prayer. This monthly event is called "Family Night." We thought you might enjoy being able to experience a bit of family night with those here in Bucharest who attend.

Listen to Family Night at the International Church

Earlier in the year the International Baptist Convention asked Naty to join the leadership of the committee specifically designated to plan activities and direction for the ministries designated for women throughout the convention. She was grateful for being asked to serve in such a way and after a time of prayer and consideration she agreed to accept the invitation, but she did so with the understanding that the challenge is great. She understood that unless the Lord helps her do what He has given her the opportunity to do that she will have a difficult time completing the task given her. Therefore, she asks each of you to pray that God will help her complete this task and that she will complete it well.

Naty with the Women's Ministry Team of the convention

Over the years of ministry in the international community here in Bucharest God has opened many doors of ministry to many different cultures. One of the cultures that we are so grateful for the opportunity to serve in is the Nigerian community. Over the years we have gotten to know the Nigerian Ambassador to Romanian and his wife. It has been a joy for us to know them and fellowship with them as they have a strong growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Last year the ambassador agreed to join the leadership team of the International Church and we are so grateful for the leadership that he has provided to the church. Last month the ambassador and his wife hosted a celebration of Nigerian culture and heritage in Bucharest. We were honored to be invited and to celebrate along with them this great culture.

Naty and I with the ambassador and his wife at the Nigerian Celebration

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kicking Off The New School Year Right

The International Church began a new monthly event the first Friday of August that has become very important in the life of the church very quickly. We instituted our first "Family Night". The purpose of this event that takes place on the the first Friday evening of the month is to give the church a regular opportunity to come together for the purpose of fellowship, worship and prayer. The evening begins by the church sharing a pot luck dinner together. It is followed by a concerted time of worship and prayer. Those who attend responded very warmly to the event and look forward to being part of it in the months to come. We are very excited about this. We have been striving to find more ways to bring the church together for the purpose of seeking the Lord in prayer and we believe with the Lord's blessing that Family Night will assist the church in that effort. Please pray that God will bless Family Night in the months to come.

The church enjoying the meal together

The church spending time in worship and prayer

As we have mentioned before, we started working with a local Romanian Church plant in our community this past spring. We have been excited about the progress this church has been making over the summer. We are also excited about the growth in fellowship that has taken place between the International Church and the Romanian Church. The International Church seems to have really made strides in looking outward to how we can have a more profound effect upon the community of Bucharest. Our relationship with this church plant is just one way that we have seen this recently. We ask you to pray for this church plant. Pray that God will bless their work as they endeavor to reach the Romanian community with the gospel. Pray also for the pastor and his family that all their needs will be met.

Emmanuel, Lidia and Samuel Dejou
Pastor of Romanian church plant

This past Sunday we celebrated our annual 'Welcome Back Barbecue'. It was a fantastic time of fellowship in the life of the church. The Romanian church plant also joined us. According to the estimates of those who attended we believe that there were approximately 130 in attendance. All who attended enjoyed all the wonderful food and the fellowship seemed to join everyone together in the bond of Christ. Please continue to pray that God would continue to bless the congregation with the spirit of unity that has bound us together in Christ.

The men of the church preparing the barbecue

The church thanking the Lord for the feast He provided

Let the festivities begin!

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Blessings, New Challenges

Over the last three weeks we have seen the Lord once again work through summer camps in Moldova to touch many young lives. There were approximately 350 young people who participated this summer. Somewhere between 200 - 250 children attended the children's camp and approximately 80 teens attended the youth camp. We considered ourselves blessed to have such a turn out. We are praying now that the Lord will help those who made decisions for him and that those who already know him will purpose to live out their faith in the communities as they return home. Please pray with us that God would do this.

The Children Enjoy Game Time At Camp

As You Can See It Was Hard To Fit All The Children In

Bill Preparing To Share With Teens Who Attended Camp

Bill & Naty Challenging Young Believers To Be Faithful Witnesses At Home

While we were at camps we had the opportunity to visit with Misa Cariavan, a good friend. A few years ago Misa was appointed by the Baptist Union of Moldova to represent youth ministry all throughout the Republic of Moldova. During his time at his post he has had the opportunity to minister to literally hundreds of young people. Yet during this time he has become troubled by an ever increasing need in the country. Below is a short interview where Misa explains the need. Please be in prayer with us about this challenge.

In addition to doing the work at summer camps we were glad to have a little time to visit with Naty's family and friends. As many of you know, Naty's dad has Hepatitis C to which there is no known cure. We were so glad to have the additional time with him and we continue to pray for God to heal him or provide a way that he might be able to receive a liver transplant that could save his life. Please pray along with us concerning this situation. Pray that God will continue to grant Andrei strength to serve in the ministry God has called him too and that the family will have grace to help him as he has need. Pray, if God is willing, that he might grant him more time to serve in the ministry either by medical provision or maybe by God sustaining him and giving him additional time. We greatly value your prayers concerning this.

With Some of Naty's Family & Friends At Home In Moldova

Around the first of June we began a new project at the church in Bucharest. Because of God's bountiful blessing to the church we have had to expand the building a bit. The back of the building has always had a fellowship hall that we could use part of the year. The reason is that the room was not insulated well, nor was it equipped with heating or cooling when it was built. Yet because of the growth of the children's ministry of the church we have had to try to find more space. We were no longer able to sacrifice this space during the cold months of winter. Therefore, we took on a new project a few weeks back to completely insulate the room and floor, install heating and put in new access doors to create a greater flow for the room. The reason we share this is to simply praise God for a few things. First, for the growth in the children's ministry that made the upgrade necessary. Second, for his provision to be able to make the upgrades the room needed and last for a church that is so interested in doing all they can to be able to see the ministry of the International Church continue to grow and impact lives in Bucharest, Romania. We praise God, He has been very good to us!

The Fellowship Hall After The Upgrades Were Completed

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Hot Summer Full of Blessing & Opportunity

This summer began with the privilege of dedicating a new life for God's purposes at the church. David Elcarte the son of Edmar and Carmen Elcarte dedicated their son to the Lord May 29th. This was an exciting event for all the church as the church had the opportunity to experience watching a couple who love the Lord choose to dedicate the life of their son David to the Lord and his service. I also think it was challenging as they enlisted the help of the whole church to live lives that reflect Christ so that as David grows up over the years he will be encouraged by everyone around him to believe in Christ. They are aware that it is their responsibility at home to lead David to Christ, but they also have challenged us to live in such a way that we assist them. For Naty and I we were very encouraged to see the church respond to such a challenge in such a positive way.

Dedicating David Elcarte to the Lord

This last Sunday we celebrated Father's day at the International Church. Celebrating Mothers and Fathers Day through the years has proven to be a very positive thing to do as it helps the church highlight the need for parents to be highly instrumental in the spiritual guidance and direction of their children's lives. We ask you to pray along with us for these dear parents that they will continue to strive to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Praying for our dad's on Father's Day

As well as celebrating Father's Day, we also said goodbye to a family who has become a very important part of the International Church. Tracy Arnold and her son David have been attending the church since their arrival in Bucharest almost seven years ago. Since her arrival she has been extremely instrumental in the children's ministry even to the extent that over the last five years she has served at the church as the director of our children's ministry. As we said goodbye to her and her son on Sunday she took a few moments to share with the church to share a few thoughts of encouragement for the entire church. For those of you who have been involved with us for quite some time you will want to take a moment and listen to her words, I know you will be encouraged as well.

Tracy Arnold's testimony about the International Church

Soon we will begin the season of summer camps that will take place in Moldova. We are prayerfully preparing for several camps to reach many young people there with the gospel of Christ. As we prepare we praise God for the provision He has made thus far for the camps and we continue to pray for the needs that still exists. Please pray along with us that God will bless the work of the camps and that many young people will come to trust in Christ for forgiveness of sins and salvation.

One of the camps last summer

Monday, May 23, 2011

Continuing To Push Forward

When we report back to you we like to be able to tell you of new and exciting things that are happening here in Romania and Moldova. Yet there are times when the most exciting aspect of the ministry is the fact that the Lord continues to bless and that the work continues to move forward. This is one of those times. In Moldova we are working with the local leadership preparing for a new season of camps and bible schools for the young people and children. On the other hand, in Bucharest we are equipping the church to become better stewards of the gospel. We teaching and training them to effectively share the good news here in Bucharest even though most of the congregation is from another culture. We pray God will help us to do this effectively.

Sunday worship at the International Church

Take a moment a listen to worship at the International Church

Recently we were invited to attend a festival that celebrated Japanese culture. This is always a fun thing to do and a great opportunity to continue to build relationships. While we were at the festival we met up with many friends that we have forged friendships with and met some that we hope to develop new relationships with. A few of those individuals were those that Naty has developed a teacher - student relationship with. You can see their excitement when they meet up with her and we hope that in time this relationship will result in many of these coming to know Christ in a personal way. Please pray along with us that God will allow these relationships to develop in this way.

Naty with one of the women and her husband that she teaches

With a few from Japan that have a heart to reach their countrymen for Christ

About a month ago the Lord opened a door for us to partner with a new Romanian church here in the city. They meet in the building at 5:00 pm on Sundays. We hope to be able to develop a strong working relationship with them to better assist them in reaching the Romanian culture all around us with the gospel. Please pray that God will foster and strengthen this relationship and that we will have success in assisting them.

Take a moment and listen to the Romanian church worship

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back Home In Romania

As many of you know our time in the states, January through March, was a time filled with challenges. Yet in every challenge God showed that his grace is truly sufficient. Shortly after Naty's surgery in February she underwent about six weeks of care with physicians. They began the treatment that Naty is needful of and they watched over her till they were sure it was ok for her to return to the work God has called us too. She will continue these treatments for another four months. At that time, God willing, we will have the treatments behind us. We humbly ask each of you to pray that the treatments will have the desired effect. We also ask you to pray with us that God will provide all the resources necessary to pay the mounting medical bills from Naty's time in the hospital in the states.

Naty at St. Elizabeth hospital in Lafayette, Indiana

Once we had arrived back in Romania we began immediate preparation for Easter. This year we were privileged not just to celebrate the Savior's resurrection in Bucharest, but also in Moldova. The Easter service at the International Church of Bucharest was celebrated with many who were coming to remember the victory Christ won on behalf of believers when He arose from the grave. This was an especially memorable day as we had a great crowd of children to celebrate in worship that day.

Children celebrating Easter in Bucharest

Naty & I celebrating Easter at the International Church

Immediately after Easter worship in Bucharest, we climbed in the car and made our way to Moldova where we celebrated Easter with our brothers and sisters there. This was an exciting time for us as we had the privilege to lead our brothers and sisters in both places in worship of our risen Lord. In Moldova Bill gave the Easter sermon, "A Reason To Celebrate". Those in attendance responded by celebrating resoundingly the Savior's resurrection. For us after many months away in the states we were thrilled to return and see the people in both places growing in their love for Christ.

Bill delivering the Easter message in Moldova

Take a moment and listen to part of the Easter celebration in Moldova

Friday, March 11, 2011

Please Pray for Us!

A few weeks ago Naty and I were boarding a plane in Romania to return to the United States for a short visit with my family and many of you. At the time we were unaware of the adventure and challenges the Lord had waiting for us here in the US. Shortly after our arrival Naty had an opportunity to visit with a doctor in Lafayette, Indiana who found a mass inside her. This caused enough concern from him that he scheduled her to undergo an outpatient procedure soon after to remove the mass.

Visiting here in the states - "Enjoying a meal with Bill's family"

Naty preparing to enter surgery at the hospital

Please Read The Follow-up Report To Naty's Surgery Below

We are happy to report the mass was not cancerous, praise the Lord! Yet during the procedure he discovered that Naty has a condition called Endometriosis. We learned from him that her condition is relatively serious as he described it as a serious case of Endometriosis (Grade 4). The condition is not life threatening, but it can be debilitating to a woman later in life. So over the last month Naty has been under a doctors care as he has began treating her for this condition so that she will not experience extreme difficulties later in life. We are so grateful for the care she has received during this time, we truly have been the recipients of extraordinary kindness from others and grace from God to make it through. We have learned that his grace is truly sufficient in our time of need, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (II Corinthians 12:9)

We are so grateful for all the Lord has done for Naty and we are confident that He is allowing her to receive very good care for her condition. Yet during this time the Lord has given us a new opportunity to trust him even more. The reason? As missionaries of Global Outreach we are fortunate enough to have the health insurance provided by their group coverage, but as we have learned the coverage they provide carries with it a $5,000 deductible. After the deductible has been met we are still responsible for 20% as the coverage is 80 / 20. When all this started we had a some money saved for just such an emergency, but this new challenge has almost taken all our savings and we still have medical bills to pay. The bills themselves from what we are learning will more than likely exceed $10,000. Therefore, we are praying for God to work in ways that we cannot to meet the need that exists. We ask you to pray along with us as well. The need is great, but the need is not beyond the ability of our great God to meet.

The care for Naty by the doctors here should be finished within a few weeks and then we hope to be able to return to the work in Eastern Europe. We are grateful for the care God has provided for her, but we do look forward to getting back to Romania and resuming the work God has called us too. Yet before we go we know we must be good stewards of what we owe to the doctors and the hospitals. We do not want to personally be bound by debt to medical bills which could effect our ability to serve most effectively. Therefore, we ask you to pray along with us that God would meet the need here financially so that we might be able to return to Romania as soon as possible. We are certain if it is his will that the need will be met soon and that we will be on our way back to the work that many of you have so generously chosen to be part of over the years (Philippians 4:19). God bless you all for all you have done and we thank you in advance for your prayers.

Keep On Keeping On

Precious friends,  First of all, THANK YOU for faithfully pressing alongside us: supporting us financially, checking on us, and praying f...