Thursday, December 16, 2010

Great Opportunities To Reach Out

Over the last 18 months we have been blessed at the church by the growth of a ministry who has as its target mothers of toddlers. This ministry is called 'Little Fishes'. Over this period of time we have seen this ministry grow ever larger where some weeks we may see as many as 20 little ones at a time. We are thrilled by the growth of this ministry and we are even more excited about the opportunities it provides to build into the lives of these little ones, as well as, the opportunity it provides to develop stronger relationships with their parents. We pray that it will open doors that will lead to us eventually being able to share the gospel with some of these families. Please pray this way along with us.

The Weekly Playgroup At The Church

Approximately six weeks ago we had several Romania children from the neighborhood start attending the church. This was a bit of a challenge for us because the church is an English speaking church. We tried for a period to partner with a local Romanian evangelical church who could better care for the spiritual needs of these children. Yet, these children have continued to come to us. So a few weeks back Naty started teaching a Sunday School class in Romanian to minister better to these children. We are grateful for this unique and unexpected opportunity. We hope this will open doors for us to share the gospel with their families as well.

Naty Teaching The Children From The Neighborhood

Last week we celebrated our annual Christmas Celebration for the community. The church every year during the second weekend in January hosts a celebration of Christ's birth for our church members to invite the friends, families and colleagues too. This is an opportunity for them to invite them so that we might be able to expose them to the gospel. This year was no exception and this years celebration was attended by more than ever before. This year we estimate the attendance was close to 300. We praise God for such an opportunity to expose so many to the gospel.

Bill Sharing The Gospel At The Christmas Celebration

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pressing On At The International Church

This last Sunday was a great day as we had the opportunity to celebrate the baptism of a few individuals in our fellowship. The young teenager we baptized Sunday is from France while the older gentleman is from the Philippines. It is exciting to see them both be willing to obediently and publicly acknowledge their faith in Christ through baptism. We trust the work that God is doing in their lives will continue and that God will use them both to build his Kingdom.

Kenny from France and Antonio from the Philippines

Take a moment and watch the baptism ceremony Sunday

Approximately a week ago Naty had the opportunity to travel to Stuttgart, Germany to attend a woman's ministry training conference at the International Baptist Church of Stuttgart. The conference was led by Jill Briscoe and the wife of the church there, Lana Packer. Naty really hopes that she will be able to use the things she learned to help the woman's ministry of the International Church of Bucharest continue to grow. Please pray that God will bless these efforts.

The woman's conference in Stuttgart

Naty with Lana Packer and one of the speakers from the conference

The week before the woman's conference Naty and I had to attend the Annual Meeting for the International Baptist Convention of which the International Church in Bucharest is part of. The conference was held at the same church Naty traveled for the woman's conference. During our time in Stuttgart I had specific responsibilities that I had to fulfill for the IBC. Over this last year I had the privilege to serve the IBC as the leader of the Missions Ministry Team for the convention. This team has been charged with the responsibility of helping guide the convention in the area of missions. We are excited about how God is using the IBC to reach many around the world.

Bill reporting to the International Baptist Convention about missions

About a month ago I was invited by the Philippine community in Bucharest to help them inaugurate a new association to help the needs of the Philippine community. This was an exciting opportunity as I was able to share the gospel with many in this community who do not know Christ. We are excited about what we see God doing in this community because some of them now have become consistent attenders in worship at the International Church. Please pray that God will continue to open doors in this community in Bucharest.

Bill sharing the gospel with the Philippine community

The Philippine community who attended in Bucharest

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ministering To Women

A few weeks back Naty and some women from the United States had the opportunity to go to Moldova and host a woman's conference. This conference was well attended and the women who attended were thrilled by the experience. They were encouraged in their faith and hope that they will be able to attend another such conference in the coming years as well. Please keep these women in your prayers as they continue to apply the principles they learned in their lives.

The women who attend the conference

Naty with the Leadership Team at the conference

In Bucharest the woman's ministry of the International Church is growing as well. We have been very encouraged by the testimony's of several different women who attend the bible study. We thought you would enjoy hearing the testimony of a few of the women who have been positively effected through the woman's bible study.

Meet Nenna from Nigeria

Meet Tarcila from Mexico
(Please forgive us for the background noise)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Days of Celebration

Recently in September we held a bible school for the children of the International Church. Normally most churches would host such a celebration for the children in the summer. Here we must do things differently because many of our families travel during the summer. Yet, we were excited to see the little ones enjoying learning more about Jesus. We want to share with you just a bit of what the children experienced.

Church volunteers preparing for the arrival of the children

The children really enjoyed singing songs that glorified Jesus

At VBS the children learned that Jesus made each of them in his image

There was something for everyone to enjoy

At the end of the month Naty and I were invited once again to attend the Japanese festival in Bucharest. We have so enjoyed getting to know our friends from Japan. God has opened many doors into the Japanese community. Currently Naty is teaching three individuals from the Japanese community English. This is a great opportunity as many of those from Japan in Bucharest do not know Christ. Through opportunities like the language classes we are able to share Christ with them. Please pray that God will continue to open doors like this one here in Bucharest. Last, please continue to pray for those in the Japanese community that we have been able to establish friendships with. Pray that God will continue to open doors for the gospel to be shared with each one.

This is Makiko, she is one of Naty's students.
She is a Buddist, but she is open to hearing about Christ.

This is another of Naty's English students from Japan

Naty's brother and I with our dear friends the Takagi's from Japan

Take a moment and take in a little of the Japanese culture

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

An Incredible Worship Experience

During Sunday's worship service we had the distinct privilege of having Graham Kendrick as our special guest to lead us in worship. Graham is an internationally known singer / song writer from the United Kingdom. He has written approximately 400 songs for worship. He has written such songs as, "Knowing You, Jesus" and "Shine, Jesus Shine". This was a wonderful time of worship for the International Church and our guest's who attend the service. We wanted to share with you a bit from our wonderful time together Sunday.

Graham sharing some encouragement with the church

There was approximately 130 in attendance for worship

Please take a few moments and listen to Graham share with us

Monday, August 30, 2010

Barbecue For All!

As we had shared a few weeks ago, yesterday was a big day in the life of the church here in Bucharest. We hosted the 'Welcome Back Barbecue' which welcomes back to town those who have been away traveling and those who were visiting just wanting to learn more about the church. We were blessed as many attended.

The day began in worship as we had what we call a Church Ministry Celebration. This time was used to review who we are as a church and to explain to our visitors all that the church is currently doing. In addition to all that, we also used the time to thank our ministry leaders and to encourage others who are not currently involved in the church to get involved as well.

A sister in the church sharing a testimony during the celebration

Experience Some Worship From Yesterday's Celebration

As we shared, the barbecue exceeded all our expectations. We were hopeful for a little over a hundred to attend. After a few tallied the total's I was told the consensus was that somewhere between 130 to 140 attended the barbecue. God gave us a beautiful day for the barbecue as well. The day was a little overcast which allowed for cooler temperatures. Up till yesterday we had been experiences temperatures near 100 everyday. Yesterday the temperature was a cool 75. As a result God blessed us with a great crowd and we praise him for the opportunity to introduce some many to the work He is doing through the International Church.

This was a great day to meet many new visitors

With God's help there was enough barbecue for everybody

All our friends from the Philippines really enjoyed themselves

Even some of Naty's English students from Japan attended for the first time

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A New School Year On The Horizon

As we finish out this past school year and prepare for a new one there are many new opportunities ahead of us. In a few weeks the church in Bucharest will host its annual 'Welcome Back Barbecue' to welcome back all our families who have been traveling during the summer break and to warmly welcome many new guests who will be investigating the church for the first time. Last summer we had well over 100 in attendance for the barbecue and this year we believe we will have even more. Please pray for this special event. It will be Sunday, August 29th. It is a great time to develop many new friendships with guests from the community around us. We trust the Lord will use this to help us develop new friendships through which the gospel will be able to be shared with those who do not know Christ.

Below Are Some Photo's From Last Years Barbecue

One of Our Elders From Nigeria
Brother Sunday Oloidi, Cooking Up A Feast

Nobody Went Hungry, God Provided A Great Meal

It Was A Great Day To Introduce Many To The Church

As the barbecue draws closer, we continue the weekly activities of the church. Many in the fellowship here are returning from their travels. We are excited about their soon return and all the new possibilities that this new school year holds. Below we thought we would give you a little taste of what happened this past Sunday.

Bill Sharing The Message Sunday

Listen To A Short Clip From Bill's Message Sunday

Monday, July 26, 2010

Moldova Summer Camp 2010

This year we enjoyed once again being able to assist the churches of the south of Moldova by conducting a wonderful summer camp. There were well over 200 children who attended. The children showed a great amount excitement all week. They seemed to love the games, crafts and stories about Jesus. We were very encouraged as we learned that at least half of them came from homes that do not normally attend church. These type of events are proving to be a unique opportunity not only to share the gospel with the children, but also with the parents of the children as well.

Naty with some of the little campers

The children had a great time worshiping and learning about Jesus

Watch the children enjoying singing about Abraham!

The puppets were new this year and they were a big hit

Watch the children get excited about the puppets!

Since we started working in the south of Moldova we have had the opportunity to help develop leadership with several different individuals. This years camp was especially encouraging because it was almost 100 % taught, managed and administrated by those who have been trained in the past. Below you will see Nelu Bercaru who has completed leadership training courses in past years teach the children each day. You will also see Valara Mesina who has completed the same courses as well direct and administrate the camp. We are not only blessed to be part of what God is doing during these camps, but it is a blessing as well to see a new generation of leadership now take over and continue the work of ministry.

Nelu Bercaru was the daily teacher

Nelu Teaching the children during bible study

Valara Mesina was the director of the camp

Watch the children enjoy game time!

Naty leading the children in craft time

Naty and Valara congratulating each other on a job well done

The little ones enjoying some ice cream the last day

The children of the camp from the south of Moldova

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summer Ministry Activity

The end of June signified the end of the School year. For many of our teens and young people this is a exciting time of year for them. To help them celebrate this time we hosted an end of year barbecue at the church for them. There were approximately 25 young people who came. We are excited about what God has been doing in their lives and we pray this coming school year will open even more doors for ministry in their lives as well.

Enjoying Some Barbecue With The Young People

The Young People Enjoying Their Time Together

This last week Naty and I returned to Moldova. While we were there we had the opportunity to challenge the church in Naty's home village to continue there work of reaching out to those around them. Through the years God has used many in this village to touch many of all ages with the good news of the gospel. We are praying that this will continue. This summer the village has the opportunity to conduct a bible school and youth camp to reach out to the young people. While we were there we assisted conducting a preparation meeting to help them prepare for these up coming activities. Please pray that God will use them to touch many unbelievers in their community. We are praying that we will be able to celebrate the new birth's of many new Christians by the end of the summer.

Sharing With The Church During Thursday's Bible Study

Our Planning Meeting For VBS & Camp

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Report for June 2010

Early this month Naty's parents visited with us from Moldova. A few month's back her mother had a routine check-up in Moldova where they found some spots on a mammogram. Her parents came to Bucharest to be sure that what was found was not cancerous. We were thankful to have had the time we had with them and we were even more grateful when we received positive reports back from the doctors Naty's mother came to see. They told her that none of the spots appeared to be cancerous, we praise the Lord for this report.

Enjoying dinner with Naty's parents

As is the case in most places around the world, as the summer months come many take time away and go on vacation. That is the same here in Bucharest. Yet we have been thrilled thus far this summer to see how many are still prioritizing there time on Sunday's at church. Throughout the spring months the church has seen strong, steady growth. That has continued to remain the same as we have entered into the summer, praise God! Below was our first Sunday of the month as we celebrated the graduation of four of our international students. The four students were from Nigeria and Kenya. We pray as they prepare to move to the next stage of their lives that God will use the things they have learned here at the International Church to help each of them go on from this place to places where they will bear much fruit for Christ's Kingdom.

Prayer Time During Worship The First Sunday of The Month

The Worship Team Leading The Congregation In Worship

Celebrating Jennifer's Graduation (She Is Girl In The Middle)

Over spring one of the nationalities within our fellowship that has grown the most is our group from the Philippines. On any given Sunday you may see as many as 20 individuals that originate from the Philippines worshiping with us. This is an exciting opportunity for the church as we now have the opportunity to more directly impact this culture. We are so grateful for those God has brought to the church from there. Recently we had the chance to share the gospel with four new women from this culture. After visiting with them we were able to determine that they are genuine followers of Christ, but two of the women have never been baptized. They agreed that the bible teaches that they should be baptized and soon we will have the opportunity to do this with them. We praise God for the work He is doing amongst the cultures.

At Least Eight Women In the Picture Are From The Philippines
The Others Are Romanian, British, Nigerian and Kenyan

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Men & Ministry In The Summer

Over the first five months of 2010 we have been striving to establish a more effective and growing men's ministry at the International Church. We have been encouraged recently by some of the strides we have seen this ministry make. Recently we have seen a larger group of men more committed to coming together regularly to encourage one another in their walks with Christ (Hebrews 10:24). Over the time we have seen this type of ministry impact many men in a positive way. One such individual is our brother Ali from Tunisia. He came to us after accepting Christ out of an Islamic background. We praise God for the opportunity to impact those like Ali. We ask you to pray along with us that God will bless these efforts as they continue. We hope to have many more opportunities to impact other men like Ali.

(Although an older picture)
These are some of the men effected by the church since we have been here

Bill praying for Ali as he moves on to his next stage in life

Soon the summer season will be upon us. We are praying about all the possibilities for ministry this summer here in Romania and in Moldova. As in years past we hope to be able to conduct camps and bible schools for children and young people in Moldova. We are praying that God will supply all the necessary resources to see this happen. In addition, we are praying about the possibility of having a bible school this summer here at the church in Bucharest as well. We want to be able to have a greater impact and influence upon our community here in the city and we believe reaching the children will help us open the doors to their families as well. Pray that God will give us wisdom how to proceed and that He will provide all that we need as we endeavor to make a greater impact in our community this summer.

Some of the children who will be part of VBS at the church

VBS in Moldova last summer

One summer camp from last year in Moldova

Keep On Keeping On

Precious friends,  First of all, THANK YOU for faithfully pressing alongside us: supporting us financially, checking on us, and praying f...