Sunday, January 10th at approximately 8:00 am our lives changed rather dramatically. Many of you have already heard, but for those who have not I had a very severe heart attack that morning. Within moments I was being raced to the hospital where doctors within minutes of arrival raced me into the OR to place a stint in the central artery that runs through my aorta. At the time I really did not know just how severe things were. Since that time I have learned a great deal about what happened. The cardiologist that have dealt with my case informed us that this was a very strange event for me. The reason they said this was that my cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure were all within very normal ranges. Often the cause of heart attack is the build up of plaque in an artery that cuts off the blood supply to the heart. In my case the blood supply was cut off, but not by plaque, instead it was cut off by a blood clot. This certainly got our attention and since they have done several tests to determine the cause of the blood clot. We are still awaiting a definitive result to the many tests that have been done.
Here I am being loaded into the ambulance
Here I am in the ICU soon after the procedure
After the procedure that morning I was taken to a large room with about 15 other patients. ICU in a Romanian hospital is very different from an ICU in the states. In Romania they place as many as they can possibly place into the same room. The first night I was in the ICU the patient in the bed next to me was so close that he actually vomited onto me. As I am sure you can imagine, this was quite an adventure itself. The third day after the procedure the cardiologist released me from the ICU and allowed me to go to my own private room to continue my recovery.
Here we are as a family in my private hospital room
I continued on in the hospital for the next week under the care of the cardiologist who was monitoring my recovery. It was a blessing to be able to visit regularly with Naty and the girls as I was in a private room. In addition, Naty was able to stay with me during this time night and day to be sure that there were no additional complications that were missed. The 21st of January I was officially released from the hospital to return home. From that time forward the cardiologist and the surgeon who preformed the procedure were very careful to be sure that I understood all that had happened. They explained because of the severity of the heart attack that I would not be allowed to return to work for at least three to four months. They also explained that the heart muscle would take up to a year to achieve full recovery. Therefore, the first few weeks after my dismissal from the hospital were spent simply resting at home. About the middle of February I began a course of physical therapy appointments every other day for about three weeks. Soon after I was allowed to begin to go out and do some small chores within specific limits (i.e. not lifting anything heavier than about 15 pounds).
Here I am the day I was released from the hospital
This was one of my first shopping experiences after the heart attack
Since then I have continued along the road to recovery as prescribed by my cardiologist. In April for the first time since the heart attack they allowed me to begin to attend church again. It was a joy to be able to see those we have had the privilege of ministering alongside of after such a long period away. That morning they asked if I would give the congregation a short update and it was very encouraging to hear about just how many had been praying for us so diligently during this time.
Sharing with the church for the first time after the heart attack
Soon after the Lord brought us an additional challenge. As you know we have been working on officially adopting Mina and Bella for almost 15 months now. Saturday, April 9th after a rather disturbing blood test for Mina we took her to the children's hospital here in the city where after several hours of testing we learned that she is type 1 diabetic. Immediately the medial staff checked her into the hospital which immediately began a second medical challenge in the last few months. Over the next ten days Naty had to stay in the hospital with Mina to learn how to care for her. She had to learn to give insulin via injection. She also had to learn how to prepare a proper diet for a child who would now be insulin dependent for the rest of her life. April 18th they officially released her and since we have been making the necessary adjustments as a family.
Mina being checked into the hospital
Mina in the children's hospital
As we write today we are hopeful soon to return to the states. The reasons are two fold. First, the cardiologist's here in Bucharest want me to meet with cardiologist's in the states to either approve of or to improve upon the care I have received thus far. Second, we are hopeful to meet with doctors in the states to find better care for Mina as well. To be clear, we do believe we have received adequate care. The doctors for Mina and the doctors who have cared for me have done very good work and we are very grateful for what they have done. Personally, I am grateful for all that they have done through the skill that God has given them to keep me alive. I will not forget how they have helped me throughout this ordeal.
On the other hand, we have been advised to go to the states so that my medical condition can be verified by more advanced methods and for Mina so that she can have access to more advanced medicine and devices. Therefore we would value your prayers during this time. You might ask how you can pray specifically. Below you will find a list:
1) First, please pray that God will work out the details for the girls to travel with us to the states. They will need to obtain visa's to travel and these can only be obtained through the cooperation of children's social services here. Please pray that God will give them a cooperative heart.
2) Second, please pray that God would provide all that we need financially during this time. As I am sure you can imagine, we have had many medical bills over the last few months. In addition, soon we will have some rather extensive travel expenses as well. A few friends here locally within the church have begun a fund raising campaign to help us. You can find it by clicking on the following (
3) Third, please pray for my continued recovery from the heart attack and for Mina's adjust to living with diabetes. These certainly have slowed us both down. Yet, we do believe that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purposes (Romans 8:28). So please pray that God will help both of us throughout this time.
4) Finally, please pray for Naty and her own personal physical strength to endure. If there is anyone I feel very bad for throughout this ordeal it is my wife. She has shouldered such a heavy load all throughout and done it admirably. She has cared for me and Mina so well and done so without much assistance or sleep. Therefore, please pray for her health and strength during this season as well.
Finally, we would like to thank each of you for your friendship and partnership. During this season we have learned just how blessed we are. This was evidenced by the many who reached out to us from literally all around the world during the initial days immediately after my heart attack. We have known through the years that we have been blessed by each of you, but this season has specifically shown to what degree. I am very grateful to be alive and in the days to come there may be some uncertainty, but I know the few things I am certain of include how blessed we are through each of you. We pray God will continue to demonstrate his manifold blessings to you and your families in very rich ways in the days to come.
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