Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Looking Back ... Looking Forward

As we reflect back over 2012 we have seen so many things at the International Church that we celebrate.  One of the things that we have learned to celebrate has been the many ways that God has opened the door for the International Church to influence the culture around us.  One of the doors that has been opened to us over the years is the continual work of the after school program that works with Romanian families in the community.  As these children continue to attend the after school we continue to seek to find new ways to introduce Christ to these families.  In this New Year the opportunities to influence the Romanian culture around us continue to grow through things like the after school and other good organizations that are meeting real needs around us like; Hospices of Care, Broken Heart Foundation, Second Chance, etc.  Please pray that God will continue to open doors for the International Church to influence the culture around us with the gospel.

The after school program at the church

Over the last twelve months a very interesting development has taken place at the church.  The men's ministry of the church has been growing and the men are beginning to really take the lead in many ways in our pursuit to reach the culture around us.  This is a very exciting development for us.  One of the ways we have continued to encourage this sort of growth among the men at the International Church is through our annual Men's Retreat.  This year was no different as the men of the church meet for a concerted time of fellowship and bible study at the Romanian Olympic Training Center just outside of Bucharest.  Please continue to pray that the men of the church will continue to grow and take the lead in reaching the community around us.

The of the church worshiping and studying together at the retreat

Take a moment and listen to the men worship at the retreat

One of our favorite ways to reach the community around us is through our Christmas Shoebox Project.  This is a way to help families and children who would not normally experience much of Christmas have an opportunity to do so.  As we have this opportunity to help them it opens the door directly for us to share the good news of the gospel with each of them.  This year had the privilege to reach out to approximately 30 children.  Please pray for these children and their parents that they will see their need for Christ and turn to him for forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

The children and their families we had the opportunity to help

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Keep On Keeping On

Precious friends,  First of all, THANK YOU for faithfully pressing alongside us: supporting us financially, checking on us, and praying f...