Thursday, November 21, 2013

Taking Advantage of The Opportunities

A few weeks ago we had the privilege to attend the annual meeting for the churches that are part of the International Baptist Convention.  This year it was held in Sofia, Bulgaria.  Bill had a few responsibilities during the conference.  God gave him the opportunity to lead the Missions Ministry Team and the strategic partnership with Moldova meeting's the IBC had while we were there.  At the end of the week the pastor from our sister church in Sofia, Scot Chadwick, asked Bill to share with the congregation there on Sunday.  The make-up of this church is also very international. As a result, it has the opportunity to minister to a lot of refugee's coming from Iran, Pakistan, and Nigeria.  For many of them they are in a foreign land, with a different language, and a new culture with its own challenges.  Some are running from persecution back home hoping to find something better in Bulgaria.  Yet, once they arrive they find things rather unfriendly and unfair.  In Bill's message he shared about Ruth and Naomi and it seemed to encourage many.  It was about how Ruth and Naomi at one point in both of their lives were facing the challenges of a foreign culture, while dealing with loss and hardship.  Even though both faced similar trials, they responded differently to them. Naomi chose to become bitter, yet Ruth chose to trust God and follow where He led her.

Bill sharing with the church in Sofia, Bulgaria

On a different occasion recently God opened the door for Bill to attend the British School’s regular time of assembly with the children of the grade school.  He was asked to speak with them about the theme of Thanksgiving.  Bill was very excited to have had this opportunity as he was able to share with the children that God is the source of all we have and therefore, it is only right for us to praise and thank him.  We trust that this time will be used to open even greater doors of opportunity to the families of the British School.  Please pray for open doors of opportunity there.

Bill sharing with the children of the British School

Every week God has allowed for many of the expats wives to meet on Wednesday mornings for a time of fellowship, but mainly for a time of studying God's Word!  It's an amazing group! The group can be as big as 30 ladies from more than 15 nations. We come from very different backgrounds and we welcome non-believers as well. We've had a lot of Buddhist attend the group. What makes it amazing is that we are so different, but yet we all agree to stick to the Scriptures and seek the answers God has for us in his word.  As one woman from Korea recently said to me, this Bible study was a haven for her in Bucharest. This was quite an amazing statement since she comes from a Buddhist background. She told me when her and her husband recently moved to Moscow that she was going to look for another bible study group instead of a Buddhist temple. I want to ask you to please pray for these precious ladies.  For those who know Christ, pray that they will grow closer to him and for those who do not that they will make a decision to follow him.

The women's study in Bucharest

On a personal note, we continue to praise God for how he has blessed my dad with a new liver to save his life.  He is so alive and has so much energy, that we can't keep up with him. We do though have a prayer request for my mother's health.  She has severe problems with her back.  Different doctors told her that her only option was back surgery. They told her if she chose not to have it that it was very likely that she would become paralyzed by one of her vertebra severing nerves in her back. So we praise God that a week ago she under went a success procedure repairing the damage in her back. You ask why do we ask for prayer?We ask you to pray that God will help provide for the medical bill's my parents now owe as a result of this surgery. For them it is a great deal of money. Pray for God's provision in their lives.

My mom in the hospital after successful back surgery


Keep On Keeping On

Precious friends,  First of all, THANK YOU for faithfully pressing alongside us: supporting us financially, checking on us, and praying f...