The International Church began a new monthly event the first Friday of August that has become very important in the life of the church very quickly. We instituted our first "Family Night". The purpose of this event that takes place on the the first Friday evening of the month is to give the church a regular opportunity to come together for the purpose of fellowship, worship and prayer. The evening begins by the church sharing a pot luck dinner together. It is followed by a concerted time of worship and prayer. Those who attend responded very warmly to the event and look forward to being part of it in the months to come. We are very excited about this. We have been striving to find more ways to bring the church together for the purpose of seeking the Lord in prayer and we believe with the Lord's blessing that Family Night will assist the church in that effort. Please pray that God will bless Family Night in the months to come.
The church enjoying the meal together
The church spending time in worship and prayer
Pastor of Romanian church plant
The church spending time in worship and prayer
As we have mentioned before, we started working with a local Romanian Church plant in our community this past spring. We have been excited about the progress this church has been making over the summer. We are also excited about the growth in fellowship that has taken place between the International Church and the Romanian Church. The International Church seems to have really made strides in looking outward to how we can have a more profound effect upon the community of Bucharest. Our relationship with this church plant is just one way that we have seen this recently. We ask you to pray for this church plant. Pray that God will bless their work as they endeavor to reach the Romanian community with the gospel. Pray also for the pastor and his family that all their needs will be met.
Emmanuel, Lidia and Samuel DejouPastor of Romanian church plant
This past Sunday we celebrated our annual 'Welcome Back Barbecue'. It was a fantastic time of fellowship in the life of the church. The Romanian church plant also joined us. According to the estimates of those who attended we believe that there were approximately 130 in attendance. All who attended enjoyed all the wonderful food and the fellowship seemed to join everyone together in the bond of Christ. Please continue to pray that God would continue to bless the congregation with the spirit of unity that has bound us together in Christ.