This year we enjoyed once again being able to assist the churches of the south of Moldova by conducting a wonderful summer camp. There were well over 200 children who attended. The children showed a great amount excitement all week. They seemed to love the games, crafts and stories about Jesus. We were very encouraged as we learned that at least half of them came from homes that do not normally attend church. These type of events are proving to be a unique opportunity not only to share the gospel with the children, but also with the parents of the children as well.
Naty with some of the little campers
The children had a great time worshiping and learning about Jesus
Watch the children enjoying singing about Abraham!
The puppets were new this year and they were a big hit
Watch the children get excited about the puppets!
Since we started working in the south of Moldova we have had the opportunity to help develop leadership with several different individuals. This years camp was especially encouraging because it was almost 100 % taught, managed and administrated by those who have been trained in the past. Below you will see Nelu Bercaru who has completed leadership training courses in past years teach the children each day. You will also see Valara Mesina who has completed the same courses as well direct and administrate the camp. We are not only blessed to be part of what God is doing during these camps, but it is a blessing as well to see a new generation of leadership now take over and continue the work of ministry.
Nelu Bercaru was the daily teacher
Nelu Teaching the children during bible study
Valara Mesina was the director of the camp
Watch the children enjoy game time!
Naty leading the children in craft time
Naty and Valara congratulating each other on a job well done
The little ones enjoying some ice cream the last day
The children of the camp from the south of Moldova