Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Bringing New Opportunities

Recently a local public school in our community came to our church and asked us to partner with them in helping their children. They expressed that they wanted our help in teaching them principles of character. They agreed if we would help them that they would open the door for us to share the gospel with the children regularly. Please pray for this new opportunity in our community. Pray that God will open hearts to the gospel amongst the children and amongst the families the children are from.

Our First Character Training At The School

Recently the church started a special time of worship on the 1st Saturday evening of each month. These special times are hosted by our contemporary worship team and a guest speaker that we invite. The primary purpose of these times is to reach out to the International University Students in our city. We are hoping with the Lord's blessing to open new inroads into this community through this monthly event.

Saturday Night Worship

This past weekend we had the privilege to take the church 100 miles north into the mountains for a church wide weekend retreat. More than 2/3rds of the church came away with us for this great time of fellowship, worship and relaxation. We were thrilled by the spirit of unity that we witnessed the Lord developing amongst the congregation. This was a blessing for all who attended. Many commented about how they were encouraged by this time. We trust with the Lord's help to be able to do this sort of thing again in the future.

The Church Together In The Mountains

The Church Together In The Mountains On Sunday

The View From The Retreat Center

Listen As The Church Worships On The Retreat

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ministry & Family In February

This past month both Naty and I celebrated our birthday's. This past Saturday, many in the church surprised me with a party / luncheon to celebrate my birthday. This was really quite a surprise as the ladies of the church planned this time of fellowship without my knowledge. We both are very encouraged to see how the members of the church do so enjoy spending time together.

Naty With The Birthday Cake

The Church Enjoying The Party

Our small group bible studies have been growing as well. Currently they have just finished a study on fellowship within the church and soon they will move into a new study. Please continue to pray that God will bless this work and that more people will be drawn to it so they to can continue their growth in Christ.

Our Current Small Group Bible Study

Keep On Keeping On

Precious friends,  First of all, THANK YOU for faithfully pressing alongside us: supporting us financially, checking on us, and praying f...