Yesterday was a wonderful day of worship at the International Church here in Bucharest. We have been encouraged by the willingness of the congregation to continue to attend even during these days when most tend to leave and vacation. Last evening approximately half the church gathered together at an elders home for a time of fellowship and barbecue. It was a great time. We are beginning to see some great things happen through events like this. During the barbecue one family invited some friends from Canada who are working in Bucharest for the next few years. This opened the door to the development of a new friendship with this family. We are praying that God will allow this relationship to continue to grow so that we might be able to invite them to the church and to hear about Christ. Also a dear lady from Japan who attends our church has been praying for her husbands conversion for several years now. We have been very encouraged recently as he has begun to start to attend the worship services and last evening he joined all of us for our time of fellowship. We trust, if it is the Lord's timing, that he is close to giving his heart to Christ. Please pray for him.
Last, this coming week we are going to Moldova to assist with summer camps for teens. Please keep this time in prayer. Every summer this is an important time of teaching and evangelism as many young people put their faith in Christ. In addition, with the tense political climate in Moldova their are many who would like to keep such events from even taking place. So we ask you to pray for everyone's protection as well. With God's help we believe we could have another camping season to celebrate with many putting their trust in Christ. Thanks again for your part in what God is doing in Romania and Moldova, each of you are a real blessing!